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Systematic Theology Resources: Academic Journal Titles

This guide was produced by Michael Farrell at RTS.

Journals in Systematic Theology

The following are a sampling of some titles of periodicals (academic journals). The full text of some titles are available in our electronic access to ATLA.  (If you are not sure how to locate particular articles, please ask library staff!  We are eager to help you find it either electronically or in print.)

Also, see this guide that contains various links to places online where you can find open access and archives of digital journals.

  • American Baptist Quarterly
  • Andrews University Seminary Studies
  • Augustinian Studies
  • Baptist History & Heritage
  • Baptist Quarterly (from the Baptist Historical Society of Great Britain)
  • Biblical Theology Bulletin
  • Calvin Theological Journal
  • Christian Scholar's Review
  • Concordia Journal
  • Currents in Theology and Mission
  • Evangelical Quarterly
  • Evangelical Review of Theology
  • Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society
  • Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics
  • Journal of Theological Studies
  • Reformed Theological Review
  • Restoration Quarterly
  • Vox Reformata: Australasian Journal for Christian Scholarship
  • Westminster Theological Journal